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IT Distribution

Kolon Benit works with the best partners in the industry to provide our clients with the optimal solutions

Kolon Benit leads the domestic open source eco-system with our global partners

  • Red Hat

    Red Hat provides world's leading O/S, WAS, VR and openstack technologies
    • Red Hat O/S (RHEL), WAS (JBoss), VR (RHEV), Cloud (OpenStack, Openshift), educational services (GPS, GLS), infrastructure automation (Ansible Tower)
  • MariaDB

    Leads open source DBMS technologies and solutions
    • MariaDB AX, TX
  • Elastic

    Open source based real time data search and analysis solutions that are adopted with machine learning and IoT
    • Elasticsearch, Kbana (data visualization), Beats (data transfer), Logstash, X-Pack (machine learning)
  • MongoDB

    MongoDB's NoSQL data platform provides unique distributed server systems and storage
    • MongDB Enterprise Server, MongDB Atlas, MongDB Stitch, MongDB Chart

Learn more

파트너 마케팅·기술지원 프로그램

코오롱베니트는 베니트프렌드, 가산테크센터, 찾아가는 아카데미 등
차별화된 프로그램으로 파트너를 강력하게 지원하고 있습니다.


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