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HR Development

At Kolon Benit, develop your expertise, be the specialist

Take the journey towards your future together with Kolon Benit

People are Kolon Benit's most important asset. Kolon Benit offers a variety of training and education programs to enhance each individual's skill set.

Development programs

  • Core Training

    Benit core value education
    Leadership training
    Business Skill training
    Professional job training
    Mentoring education
    Core talent training
    Technical training
    Introductory training for newly hired employees
    1:1 competency coaching
  • Technical training

    IT core technology training
    IT trend training
    Official certification training
    PM professional training
    Sales training
  • E-learning

    Leadership training
    Business Skill training
    Common competency training
    Job specialty training
    Foreign language education
    Mobile education

Core talent training program

We select core talents for each level and provide coaching and resources to ensure that they become experts and leaders in their field.

Capacity building program

  • STEP 01

    Support for self-development

    Briefing sessions

    Education and training guidelines

  • STEP 02

    Team Leader, mentor feedback
    and management

    COACHING WEEK(Intermediate reviews)

    COACHING TIPS(Special Lectures and Resources)


  • STEP 03

    Capacity building

    Provide training information

Develop growth potential of individuals and organizations
