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IT Distribution

Kolon Benit works with the best partners in the industry to provide our clients with the optimal solutions

Big data management and transfer utilizing Solace's IoT, Cloud, Big data and mobile solutions

  • Data management and transfer

    Solace's solutions enable clients to transfer data regardless of protocol, use-case or pattern at any time and anywhere
  • One platform for all

    Solace's platform converges protocols, LAN&WAN for smooth data transfer
  • 3 tier architecture

    Solace's platform provides appliance / software / cloud, 3 tier architecture. Kolon Benit distributes Solace 3560 appliance, best suited for the local clients
    • Products
      - Solace PubSub+ Appliance
      - Solace PubSub+ Software
      - Solace PubSub+ Cloud

파트너 마케팅·기술지원 프로그램

코오롱베니트는 베니트프렌드, 가산테크센터, 찾아가는 아카데미 등
차별화된 프로그램으로 파트너를 강력하게 지원하고 있습니다.


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